Whiskey Aging Kit

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Craft your custom whiskey with bourbon or rye distillate proofed down and ready to barrel.

Choose Bourbon bottled at 109 Proof or Pennsylvania Rye Bottled at 100 Proof.


Immerse yourself in the blend of art and craftsmanship with our American White Oak Barrel. Aged gracefully under Missouri's skies for 42 months, this barrel isn't just wood; it's a story waiting to fuse with your spirits.

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Badmotivator Barrels are simply stainless steel cans (bain marie inserts) with wooden barrel heads pressed into them. The wood is quartersawn American White Oak which has been weathered to remove and modify tannins as well as to promote the microbial breakdown of some of the hemicellulose and lignin into organoleptically interesting molecules. To fill and empty the barrel there is a bunghole and a bung. For convenience they also include a stainless steel spigot. To ensure that there are no leaks, beeswax is applied between the head staves, and around the edge of the head where it contacts the can.

Toast and Char Level

Medium Toast, Char Level 2 typically adds the following flavors:

Bourbon: Balanced notes of grain and barrel influence with a touch of caramel and vanilla flavors.

Rye: Enhanced baking spice notes balanced with sweeter vanilla undertones.

Surface Area to Volume Ratio

The design of the barrels is intended to mimic the conditions inside a large oak barrel such as those used in the aging of whiskies, rums, tequilas, brandies, and others.¹ The spirit should have a similar exposure to an area of oak, per volume, as in the big casks. The surface area to volume ratio (SA/V) of the 1.8 gal Badmotivator Barrel is 27.8 in²/gal. If you under-fill them by a bit and rest them head-down, you increase the effective SA/V ratio. For example, 1.25 gallons resting in such an orientation sees 40 in²/gal. 1 gallon, head down, gets you 50 in²/gal.

Stave Thickness

Whiskey barrel stave thicknesses range from ¾” to 1”. Badmotivator Barrel staves are about 15/16” thick.